[REQ] OFDb - IMDb (DE)
[REQ] OFDb - IMDb (DE)
since I've updated to v3.50 the script "OFDb - IMDb (DE)" isn't working anymore. It was included in the v3.5-package, but it doesn't appear in the list of scripts. What can I do?
I need the script for the actors and producers of a movie.
Thanks for help and please excuse my bad english.
since I've updated to v3.50 the script "OFDb - IMDb (DE)" isn't working anymore. It was included in the v3.5-package, but it doesn't appear in the list of scripts. What can I do?
I need the script for the actors and producers of a movie.
Thanks for help and please excuse my bad english.
Open the script window by Tools -> Scripting, select the script, go to Editor, click Properties, set "Get info" to True.
I do not know why it is set to False.
That solves the "not appearing" problem.
If the script does not work, I can't solve that right now, I do not have time for correcting scripts myself unfortunately
I do not know why it is set to False.
That solves the "not appearing" problem.
If the script does not work, I can't solve that right now, I do not have time for correcting scripts myself unfortunately
i did a small update of the script, there were several minor errors in it.
-the imdb rating is now in the new format (5,5 and not only one number)
-the imdb url is now in the new format (title/tt...)
-if no movie is found, the script ask now for an alternate title instead of showing an empty list
-i updated the info
-the script is now DE/EN
you can find the script here:
and then i have a little question:
is there a way to show the variable MovieName (the title who get searched of) inside the list with the results? in batch mode you can't see which movie is being searched of. when you get more then 5 results it's hard to say which one is searched...
Results of search after 'Movie Name' are:
is there a way to do this??? when yes, how?
thanks for any hints
i did a small update of the script, there were several minor errors in it.
-the imdb rating is now in the new format (5,5 and not only one number)
-the imdb url is now in the new format (title/tt...)
-if no movie is found, the script ask now for an alternate title instead of showing an empty list
-i updated the info
-the script is now DE/EN
you can find the script here:
and then i have a little question:
is there a way to show the variable MovieName (the title who get searched of) inside the list with the results? in batch mode you can't see which movie is being searched of. when you get more then 5 results it's hard to say which one is searched...
Results of search after 'Movie Name' are:
is there a way to do this??? when yes, how?
thanks for any hints
Thanks for your script
About your question, you mean the tree displayed? You have the following item added in the list:
You can do
(I do not speak german so you would have to change the text to the equivalent of search result for "...")
About your question, you mean the tree displayed? You have the following item added in the list:
Code: Select all
PickTreeAdd('Suchergebnis:', '');
Code: Select all
PickTreeAdd('Suchergebnis "' + MovieName + '" :', '');
the year is a available variable from the movie list for every entry... it only should be checked/parsed with the output of ofdb, so u should have mostly one video at the end in the list...
i know that the searchstring of ofdb only permits the title of a movie... but the result of search lists movies with the release year information...
cu and thx for fast answer ^^
sorry for my bad english again ^^ (wanne a german section here)
i know that the searchstring of ofdb only permits the title of a movie... but the result of search lists movies with the release year information...
cu and thx for fast answer ^^
sorry for my bad english again ^^ (wanne a german section here)
problem I: Only one movie found, update this automatically
it must be checked how many lines are in the array any solutions? ^^
Code: Select all
LineNr := FindLine('<b>Titel:</b>', Page, 0);
if LineNr > 0 then
begin PickTreeAdd('Suche nach "' + MovieName + '" ergab:', '');
AddMoviesTitles(Page, LineNr);
if PickTreeExec(Address) then
yep try this
Code: Select all
change to:
if LineNr > 0 then
if LineNr >1 then
begin PickTreeAdd('Suche nach "' + MovieName + '" ergab:', '');
AddMoviesTitles(Page, LineNr);
if PickTreeExec(Address) then
try this:
Replace complete procedure AddMoviesTitles() with
and change in AnalysePage():
happy new year...
Replace complete procedure AddMoviesTitles() with
Code: Select all
function AddMoviesTitles(Page: TStringList; var LineNr: Integer) : string;
Line: string;
MovieTitle, MovieAddress: string;
StartPos, EndPos, NumTitles: Integer;
result := '';
Line := Page.GetString(LineNr);
NumTitles := 0;
StartPos := pos('<a href=''view.php?page=film&fid=', Line);
if StartPos > 0 then
Delete(Line, 1, StartPos + 8);
MovieAddress := copy(Line, 1, pos('''>', Line) - 1);
StartPos := pos('''>', Line) +2;
MovieTitle := copy(Line, StartPos, pos('</a>', Line) - StartPos);
NumTitles := NumTitles + 1;
PickTreeAdd(MovieTitle , 'http://www.ofdb.de/' + MovieAddress);
until (StartPos < 1);
if NumTitles = 1 then result := 'http://www.ofdb.de/' + MovieAddress;
Code: Select all
LineNr := FindLine('<b>Titel:</b>', Page, 0);
if LineNr > 0 then
PickTreeAdd('Suche nach "' + MovieName + '" ergab:', '');
Address := AddMoviesTitles(Page, LineNr);
if Address = '' then
if PickTreeExec(Address) then
end else