I wrote 5 .avi films on DVD disk. one of them (film) i give to my frend. of course the rest 4 films I give too. I mark this film [borrower - my friend].
Question: can i automaticly mark the rest 4 films [borower - my friend]
P.S. Sorry fo my english
some .avi on DVD?
I select film, set to it [borrower], and I must switch to borrower window, find film again - inconveniently!
May all the rest films on this disk have borrower-[My Friend] automaticly in _Main window_?
May I download sources and write this function, If you not?
although, may be made find film, which is selected automaticly in borrower window?
May all the rest films on this disk have borrower-[My Friend] automaticly in _Main window_?
May I download sources and write this function, If you not?
although, may be made find film, which is selected automaticly in borrower window?
Actually the current version on my PC is called "3.5.1 beta/debug", but has not been released yet since I started to rewrite the importation window.
If you make a change in the loan window (or if I make it) it will be part of the final 3.5.1 or 3.6 version, but not be part of an earlier official version I think.
Unless I recompile the old version, which could be possible actually...
If you make a change in the loan window (or if I make it) it will be part of the final 3.5.1 or 3.6 version, but not be part of an earlier official version I think.
Unless I recompile the old version, which could be possible actually...
hmmm... if you will be going to write this function in your realease i will wait fo it. becaurse i write C++ ant idon't want to learn pscal(delphi) however I use your program and if you intend to write this fuctin, can i give you some mony? because i know, that i get without money - always was shit. How i can do it? How murch you want to recive?
The problem is not the money. The problem is that I do not have lots of time for AMC, and for the moment there are other things that I prefer to work on.
I could release a beta version of the current 3.5.1 with this thing added (except if you need to use importation, it should work correctly), but I can't promise when I'll do this.
I could release a beta version of the current 3.5.1 with this thing added (except if you need to use importation, it should work correctly), but I can't promise when I'll do this.