data overrun by imdb script (ant 3.3.0)

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data overrun by imdb script (ant 3.3.0)

Post by Guest »

when exported my list to ant everything worked fine , but when i used the imdb script it overrun some combobox like "video format" with blank data

it would be cool if u'll open a scripts & templates section on your site

so ppl could upload thier scripts or send it to u
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Post by antp »

That's strange that the script did that...
Is it a modified script or the one that comes with the program ?

For the script/template section, why not, but since there aren't so many scripts/templates, I add them to the installation package when people send them to me.


Post by Guest »

is there an option to change a certain field to the whole list ?

lets say i want to change video typefield from "a" to "B" to the whole list

is it possible ??

:grinking: [/b]
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Post by antp »

Tools -> Scripting
be sure to have all movies checked in the "Movies" tab (right click on the list, check all), then in the "Editor" tab click on the "new" icon and enter between begin and end :

SetField(fieldAudioFormat, 'B');

if you want to replace the field only if it contains a value, there is a sample script called "find & replace.ifs"
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