Writing credits are imported into producers field, along with the words in parentheses.
Nicholas Pileggi (book), Nicholas Pileggi (screenplay) ..., (more)
When will importing info from full cast page be supported?
antp wrote:I modified a little the above script to make KaraGarga's changes more "integrated" in IMDB "official" script.
It would be nice if people could test it and report bugs, since it will be included with next update of AMC: www.antp.be/temp/scripts/IMDB.ifs
This new script (from AMC 3.5.1 installer) looks good, except it joins all AKA titles into one string with no separator and it loads writing credits into producers field.
Also I noticed when the script loads cast, all lines are joined, including 'rest of cast listed alphabetically:' which in my opinion shouldn't be there. Just a though
I made some changes, I fixed some problems, but it would be nice to report movie title that still cause problem for the "rest of cast..." bug: http://www.antp.be/temp/scripts/IMDB.ifs
There is an option in IMDB script to get image from two special pages, I think that then the image comes from Amazon actually.
The broken URL happens for all movies or only some?