Suggestion: split last years

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Suggestion: split last years

Post by TiaoMacaleh »

People tend to have a lot more movies from last year imagine from last 4 years in the same colum on graphic...

Whould be nice to have at least the last two years on separeted colums on graphic....


Because whould be nice to see on graphic how many you "already" "bought" on currently year and be able to compare from the last year.... :grinking:

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Post by antp »

I do not see what you mean.
You are speaking about the "additions" chart or about the "years" chart?
You can group movies by year and then select only some years before calling the statistics window.
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Post by TiaoMacaleh »

I mean the graph display an entry as 2000-2004 but that covers almost all movies most people have... Example in my graph that means like 10x more than second biggest collum...

I suggest split at least the last half decade by year.... example istead of 2000-2004 five entries 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005...
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Post by antp »

You have an option to not group years in the Options menu, I'll see if I can add one for not grouping a range if it contains too much movies.
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Post by TiaoMacaleh »

Where? Count found it
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Post by antp »

In the Statistics window, there is an "option" button above the graphic
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Joined: 2005-05-08 02:17:34

Post by TiaoMacaleh »

Thanks work like a charm :grinking: :grinking:
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