Connection timed out

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Connection timed out

Post by pitiklan »

I have a problem when i get the connection timed out alert.
I can't close the scripting window and i can't do anything. All buttons are disabled, and the X and close buttons don't work. I've to close it with the task manager.

Thx, this is a great program!!
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Post by antp »

You use the latest version (3.5) ? I do not have this problem when I get a timeout message while downloading...
Posts: 2
Joined: 2005-04-25 09:08:27

Post by pitiklan »

I'm using (2005-03-13).

Ok, i think that this error doesn't happen all the time.
I try to connect to culturalia searching for a film. The program opens a new window with the titles if it's found. If i get a timeout message, there's no problem, i can close the window and continue. The problem is when i want to download the information of one of the films and i get a timeout message. Then is when the program hangs.
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Post by antp »

Maybe it's a bug in this script then, e.g. an infinite loop.
Currently there is a bug in the script window (:D), but once it is corrected (in next update) you'll be able to click "Stop" icon to interrupt the script if it loops ;)
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