[MOD] Latest Willspos theme enhanced

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[MOD] Latest Willspos theme enhanced

Post by dems »


Disabled stuff::
A couple of things on the menu (show by date added didnt work properly trying to fix it...)
Show by media (can be enabled just by unquoting the code in navigation.xsl)

Added Stuff::
10 Stars Rating system with half stars aswell
Visual enhancments (f.e. bold movie title, sidebar colors)
Now in the main window the translated title is displayed instead of the original (Sorting is still done with original title though)
Search by title searches the Formated title (helps for movies you search using the translated title)

Here is a screenshot.


The file will be send to antp for hosting.

Post by dems »

Just double click on the file named config.hta to set the template up.
It uses the xml that can be saved from ant movie catalog using the save as options.
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Re: [MOD] Latest Willspos theme enhanced

Post by antp »

dems wrote: The file will be send to antp for hosting.
Here is it : https://forum.antp.be/users/dems/MovieList.rar

Post by TiaoMacaleh »

dumb question to use this script i need php host etc? So to view in my computer i need to make a php host?
Posts: 17
Joined: 2003-10-13 19:54:51

Post by zile »

I got the following error, when I run config.hta.
Line: 67
error: automation server cant create object

What server ?
Dean Mihaylov
Posts: 5
Joined: 2005-08-08 07:07:39

Post by Dean Mihaylov »

zile wrote:I got the following error, when I run config.hta.
Line: 67
error: automation server cant create object

What server ?
I have the same problem.....if anyone can fix it, please, do it :??:
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