As the name tells it
its the all time classic template made from Willspo but with ten stars rating
f.e. 6.3 -> six and a half stars
and 6.1 -> six stars
Its a mod of the v3 one not the one with the installer
Just realized I cant put any attachments in here
Someone host it or whatever
In data/movies.xml there is the first line that specifies the encoding:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
You have to replace "ISO-8859-1" by the bulgarian charset. Try with "Windows-1251"
Wilspo, how can I add an URl of a movie in the pop-up screen ?
I've tried to do it, but the URl didn't me with this one.
I'm also thinking of adding a slideshow of screenshots in the pop-up screen. Any idea how to do it ?