
Comments on existing version & Suggestions for future versions. If you want a new feature suggest it here. Discussions about beta versions also come in this section.
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Post by jeduardo »

I think Ant Movie Catalog is the best movies manager ever made.
I would like to make a sugestion, how about a checkbox with seen / no seen movie, for you to know if you have already seen that movie.
It could also have on the find list a random, that could pick a movie randomly, so that Ant Movie Catalog could "choose" for you the movie you would see.
Interacting this could fields it coud select a movie that you have never seen before.
Congratulations for all your work because it's very very good. :grinking:
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Post by antp »

This "random" idea is not so bad... I'll put it on my to-do list ;)
For the "seen" checkbox, either use the checkboxes of the list (Tools -> Preferences -> Movie list -> Checkboxes) or wait for version 4.
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