Version 3.5 - Final version released

Comments on existing version & Suggestions for future versions. If you want a new feature suggest it here. Discussions about beta versions also come in this section.
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Exporting in RC5

Post by permenition »

When I export my movie base in htm there is no main page, it only export separate pages with description.This can be my mistake but anyway please check it.
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Post by antp »

is there a file loaded in "full" tab, and what's selected in the menu on the right of the full/indiv tabs?
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Post by permenition »

Full an individual shows the same : only number 1 in window, so I add special tags :


and then export.
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Post by antp »

For the "full" list it requires at least $$ITEM_BEGIN and $$ITEM_END around the part that must be repeated for each movie.
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Post by ZoNi »

just for info: Serbian translation for AMC 3.5.0 (translation version: 1.0) is finished!

It can be downloaded from here

@ permenition: I have used your translation for many stuff that I thought you translated better, so I have put both my & your name in the Language box! I hope that's OK with you!

~~~ Pozdrav i sve najbolje! :grinking:
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Post by permenition »

ZoNi wrote:just for info: Serbian translation for AMC 3.5.0 (translation version: 1.0) is finished!

It can be downloaded from here

@ permenition: I have used your translation for many stuff that I thought you translated better, so I have put both my & your name in the Language box! I hope that's OK with you!

~~~ Pozdrav i sve najbolje! :grinking:

Hvala, takodje :grinking:
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Post by antp »

rc6 available:

- should support toolbar icon sets of sizes other than 16x16 (as long as the width of each icon is the same as the height of the picture)
- in some cases when selecting the whole list or some movies manually the scripting window would not open
- auto close of scripting window was not working when auto run last script was enabled
- added a /prefs params to specify a different config file. Can be useful if you use two translations (e.g. one for movies and one for books/games/comics/etc.)
You can make two shortcuts for that instead of copy the whole AMC folder somewhere else:
moviecatalog.exe catalogfile.amc /prefs prefsfile.xml
"catalogfile" is optional
"prefsfile" can be a full path or only a filename (then it goes in AMC folder).
if the prefs file does not exists, it will be created.

I also included some updated translations. The spanish translation is not yet complete, but its author is working on it.
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Location: Belgrade, Serbia

Post by ZoNi »

antp, is it possible to remove Media Label, Source, Borrower, Media Type, Date Added and Rating at the bottom of AMC screen? And maybe option to place movie pic on the top of "tree" (list of movies), so pic would be next to name... I think it would be much more easier to see movies...

see this screenshot, to see what I mean:

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Post by antp »

Everything is possible, but I am not sure that changing this would be better for all users :D
In a future version I'll put movie list and picture window on floating panels, so they can be switched like on your example. I'll probably arrange the field layout when I'll add new fields.
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Post by ZoNi »

thanks for the answer... I just thought that rearanging of those fields would be more logical, cause that way movie info is the first, and latter is "technical" info...

btw, Serbian translation is updated... will be upload soon (in next few days - last corrections have to be done!)


Media Files Importation

Post by MhBeyle »

Is it possible that, in [Preferences/Media files importation], "Import Filename as Title" , the Title are imported on "Translated Title" Field ?
Sorry If I'm questioning one thing that Ant Movie does, but If it doesn´t, I think that it would be a very interesting thing. Every time I import a picture from disk, the title paste into Original Title and every time :ha: I have to cut and paste into Translated Title. :D
Many thanks in advance and very very good job! :grinking:
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Post by antp »

I would have to add an option if I wanted to add that, and unfortunately I can't do that for version 3.5 since translations are being updated (and some are already done).

ben il est vraiment sympa

Post by leuckieprod »

cela faisait un chti moment que je ronge mon frein en attendant une version... ben mazette elle est vraiment bien et semble assez stable...

du tres bon travaill... heu comme d'hab ;)

chtite question sur la 3.5 (bug ou moi ?)

Post by leuckieprod »

apres plein de test sur la 3.5 j'ai l'impression d'avoir trouvé un bug, ou c'est moi...
j'ai un petit template simple avec l'image et la categorie... le tout dans un chti tableau de 6 colonnes... comme cela cela me fait une sorte de page thumbail avec description pour pouvoir l'editer en pdf... des fois c'est pratique ;)
ben maintenant avec la 3.5 a la 18eme page il me sort une insulte du type : an error occured during calculing [picture] report: frreport1 band : master data....
heu ? c'est moi qui a une image qui "merdouille" ou un prob de mémoire, ou un bug....
merci de m'aider......
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Post by antp »

Peut-être une image qui ne lui plaît pas.
Tu avais exactement les mêmes films avec la version 3.4.3 ?
Essaie en ne sélectionnant que certains films (ceux qui doivent apparaître sur la 18è page par exemple).

c'est vraiment biz

Post by leuckieprod »

j'ai pris la moitié de mes films... hop cela fonctionne
je decoche la premiere partie et prends l'autre... ben cela fonctionne aussi

je prends le tout ne fait pas rafraichir et direct je fait print, il me met une erreur de type : systeme error code 6 descripteur non valide...

mazette... kezacko ?
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Post by antp »

Comme j'ai juste utilisé un truc tout fait pour l'impression, je ne sais pas à quoi correspondent tous les messages d'erreur qu'il renvoie :/ Parfois ça dépend de l'imprimante ou de son driver, parfois il ya une info qu'il n'aime pas (une image, un champ trop long, ...)

merci de ta reponse

Post by leuckieprod »

merci beaucoup, c'est sympa d'avoir des reponses rapides, déja que le logiciel est génial...
ben je vais chercher ce qui coince dans mon amc...
des que je trouve, j'envoi l'info ;)

encore merci pour ce super logiciel....

va comprendre

Post by leuckieprod »

Pour mon prob sur l'edition, j'ai fait un chti test, j'ai ressorti mon vieux portable (win98,128mo) et fait le test dessus... ben cela fonctionne :)

donc c'est un prob soit de systeme d'exploit, soit de conflit avec le driver de mon imprimante car autrement je vois pas car mon poste "normal" a de la memoire (1,5giga) se trouve sous xp pro....

va comprendre... mais mon bon vieux 98 va reprendre du service ;)

bonne journée...
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Post by antp »

Tu peux essayer aussi en passant par un fichier PDF intermédiaire par exemple (imprimer vers un PDF donc, avec CutePDF par exemple)
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