[REL] Italian Multisite 4.0.4 released

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[REL] Italian Multisite 4.0.4 released

Post by MrObama2022 »

Changelog 4.0.4 2022-04-30:
* ComingSoon: parser updated



Changelog 4.0.3 2022-04-11:
* ItalianMultisite: added batch mode ("Modalità batch")
* all scripts: fixed retrieve from URL option, now works with all scripts (iMDB included)
* iMDB: improved error 404 urls; serie tv year recognition fixed
* improved FilmTv utf8 characters recognition
* minor fixes


Note: there is a new cool way to use ItalianMultisite. You can improve all the movies in your AMC files using iMDB entries. This is how to try this new mode:
- in editable fields deselect the fiels you want to keep (example: comments, description and picture because they are in your language and also duration)
- set the ItalianMultisite script option as:
* Modalita' batch: 1
* Ricerca con Regista e Anno: 1
* Ricerca da URL: 1
* Sovrascrivi campi: 1
* Trama italiana: 1
- set the ItalianMultisite parameters as:
* IMDB Ricerca: 1
* Priorita' ComingSoon: 0
* Priorita' FilmScoop: 0
* Priorita' FilmTV: 0
* Priorita' KultVideo: 0
* Priorita' MoviePlayer: 0
* Priorita' MyMovies: 0
- set the execution option as:
- Mostra finestra risultati (show result window): uncheck

Now select all the movies you want to update and launch ItalianMultisite (note: you can get an out of memory error if you select too many movies. Don't worry: after the error the script stop, you can save the catalog, then reopen it and select the remaining movies until process is completed).
Last edited by MrObama2022 on 2022-04-30 20:32:15, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [REL] Italian Multisite 4.0.3 released

Post by fulvio53s03 »

Grazie. :clapping:
Proverò appena possibile,
dopo una piccola verifica rispetto allo stato attuale degli scripts (temo aver fatto qualche piccola personalizzazione in quest'ultimo periodo).

Thanks. :clapping:
I will try asap,
after a little check with respect to the current state of my scripts (I'm afraid I've done some little customization in this last period).
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Re: [REL] Italian Multisite 4.0.3 released

Post by fulvio53s03 »

Ho provato la nuova release (ma anche quella precedente presentava lo stesso problema) e ho problemi che segnalo:
cercando "Bambole Russe" ed avendo Comingsoon come primo sito, il film viene trovato (riultato unico) ma, nonostante io lo selezioni per estrarre i dati (da https://www.comingsoon.it/film/bambole-russe/51/scheda/),
lo script passa al secondo sito nell'ordine
(FilmTV https://www.filmtv.it/film/30689/bambole-russe/).
Lo stesso succede per "Rambo" (risultati multipli).
I parametri di ricerca che uso mi sembrano corretti...... :cry:

I tried the new release (but also the previous one had the same problem) and I have problems that I report:
searching for "Bambole Russe" and having Comingsoon as the first site, the film is found (single result) but, although I select it to extract the data
(from https://www.comingsoon.it/film/bambole-russe/51/scheda/), the script goes to the second site in the order
(FilmTV https://www.filmtv.it/film/30689/bambole-russe/).
The same happens for "Rambo" (multiple results).
The search parameters I use seem correct to me ......: cry:
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Re: [REL] Italian Multisite 4.0.3 released

Post by antp »

Thanks :)
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Re: [REL] Italian Multisite 4.0.3 released

Post by MrObama2022 »

fulvio53s03 wrote: 2022-04-23 16:26:25 Ho provato la nuova release (ma anche quella precedente presentava lo stesso problema) e ho problemi che segnalo:
cercando "Bambole Russe" ed avendo Comingsoon come primo sito, il film viene trovato (riultato unico) ma, nonostante io lo selezioni per estrarre i dati (da https://www.comingsoon.it/film/bambole-russe/51/scheda/),
lo script passa al secondo sito nell'ordine
(FilmTV https://www.filmtv.it/film/30689/bambole-russe/).
Lo stesso succede per "Rambo" (risultati multipli).
I parametri di ricerca che uso mi sembrano corretti...... :cry:

I tried the new release (but also the previous one had the same problem) and I have problems that I report:
searching for "Bambole Russe" and having Comingsoon as the first site, the film is found (single result) but, although I select it to extract the data
(from https://www.comingsoon.it/film/bambole-russe/51/scheda/), the script goes to the second site in the order
(FilmTV https://www.filmtv.it/film/30689/bambole-russe/).
The same happens for "Rambo" (multiple results).
The search parameters I use seem correct to me ......: cry:
Ciao Fulvio, normalmente questa succede quando l'analisi dell'html della pagina dei risultati fallisce, quindi non considera il risultato valido e salta oltre. Verificherò il prima possibile

This happens when movie html is not fully recognized. I'll check ComingSoon pas library
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Re: [REL] Italian Multisite 4.0.3 released

Post by fulvio53s03 »

MrObama2022 wrote: 2022-04-29 10:46:33 Ciao Fulvio, normalmente questa succede quando l'analisi dell'html della pagina dei risultati fallisce, quindi non considera il risultato valido e salta oltre. Verificherò il prima possibile
This happens when movie html is not fully recognized. I'll check ComingSoon pas library
Grazie. Nel frattempo ho provato con molti altri film e tutti presentano lo stesso problema.
Thanks. In the meantime I have tried many other films and they all have the same problem.
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Re: [REL] Italian Multisite 4.0.4 released

Post by MrObama2022 »

Italian Multisite 4.0.4 released (download url)

ChangeLog: fixed ComingSoon for the movies ...

I only tested movies, not series/episodes, so maybe I could have another release in next days/weeks.

For Fulvio: ComingSoon changed its html code, so I updated the parser in ComingSoonPas.pas (procedure ComingSoonExtractMovie). By the way, ComingSoon is the only parser with an "easter egg". If you modify your lng files (example: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Ant Movie Catalog\Languages\Italian.lng") and you add after "[GetScriptWin]" this row:

Code: Select all

http.Request.UserAgent=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64; rv:77.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/77.0
then restart Ant, the script tries to use Google search engine instead of ComingSoon internal search engine with better results (imho).
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Re: [REL] Italian Multisite 4.0.4 released

Post by antp »

Thanks, I updated it on the server
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Re: [REL] Italian Multisite 4.0.4 released

Post by fulvio53s03 »

duplicato :hihi: :shocked:
duplicated message
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Re: [REL] Italian Multisite 4.0.4 released

Post by fulvio53s03 »

duplicated message
Last edited by fulvio53s03 on 2022-05-03 16:08:19, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [REL] Italian Multisite 4.0.4 released

Post by fulvio53s03 »

fulvio53s03 wrote: 2022-05-03 16:06:43 For Fulvio: ComingSoon changed its html code
OK "Rambo" e "Bambole russe".
Se cerco "Gattaca" va bene, se cerco "Gattaca. la porta dell'universo" (come indicano certi siti, es. FilmTV), ottengo:
la corretta individuazione del film, ma nella lista (vedi https://mega.nz/file/NTJmAQgD#K6eNYvRxR ... mmPCrkQTTY )
manca il "prosegui la ricerca su questo sito" e anche se clicco sullapagina, lo script prosegue sul sito di ricerca successivo.
Forse la tresenza del "." gli causa incomprensioni?
proverò anche per le serie per capire se è tutto OK.

Comunque, sempre, grazie (anche se hai un po' complicato un po' la mia vita di programmatore cavernicolo)
:) ;)
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[REL] Italian Multisite 4.0.7 released

Post by MrObama2022 »

This is a new beta for RAPIDAPI support.

It's still in testing!!!

What you need for testing:
- upgrade to ANT Movie Catalog latest beta
- create a free account on RapidAPI and get rapidapi key

- fixed iMDB void result after new site release. This release still retrieve all* akas (translated titles) (* = korean, russian titles and few others can't be stored so are skipped)

- more testing!
- check if some character is not translated
- improve language validation to accept still more translated title
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Re: [REL] Italian Multisite 4.0.7 released

Post by MrObama2022 »

Italian Multisite will soon be released.

- improved iMDB translated title support
- added NientePopcorn.it
- added batch mode to all italian scripts

I still have to:
- fix MyMovies (recognize new template)
- check iMDB Awards field
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Re: [REL] Italian Multisite 4.0.7 released

Post by fulvio53s03 »

MrObama2022 wrote: 2023-04-15 01:41:38 - check if some character is not translated
le verifiche sono state effettuate?
sto avendo problemi con uno script nuovo (COMIXBOX.it) che include ItalianSharedPas ma sembra che alcuni caratteri ancora sfuggano alla traduzione.
Have the checks been carried out?
I'm having problems with a new script (COMIXBOX.it) that includes ItalianSharedPas but it seems that some characters still escape translation.
Thank you.
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Re: [REL] Italian Multisite 4.0.4 released

Post by MrObama2022 »

Yes, all characters are fully decoded, at least in my tests. There will be a new decoder in ItalianSharedPas for a different type of UTF-8 encoded used by RapidApi, maybe this could be the same of comicbox.it
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Re: [REL] Italian Multisite 4.0.4 released

Post by fulvio53s03 »

MrObama2022 wrote: 2023-05-09 19:25:29 Yes, all characters are fully decoded, at least in my tests. There will be a new decoder in ItalianSharedPas for a different type of UTF-8 encoded used by RapidApi, maybe this could be the same of comicbox.it
How can I update my ComicsBooks script?
Now It includes ItalianSharedPas.pas (including StringUtils7552).
Is this sufficient?
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Re: [REL] Italian Multisite 4.0.4 released

Post by MrObama2022 »

Code: Select all

This could be enough. Maybe I can help, share the code and the url with wrong charset conversion so I can have a better check
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Re: [REL] Italian Multisite 4.0.7 released

Post by MrObama2022 »

MrObama2022 wrote: 2023-05-02 14:19:39 Italian Multisite will soon be released.

- improved iMDB translated title support
- added NientePopcorn.it
- added batch mode to all italian scripts

I still have to:
- fix MyMovies (recognize new template)
- check iMDB Awards field
Released 4.0.7 final
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Re: [REL] Italian Multisite 4.0.4 released

Post by fulvio53s03 »

MrObama2022 wrote: 2023-05-09 22:59:21

Code: Select all

This could be enough. Maybe I can help, share the code and the url with wrong charset conversion so I can have a better check
these chars seem to be untranslated:
'à£' that is 'ã'
'à¬' that is 'ì'
'à¹' that is 'ù'

(see https://www.comicsbox.it/albo/Zagor_573 and https://www.comicsbox.it/albo/tex_700
used in Comicsbox.ifs
The script is shared in viewtopic.php?t=39512 (inside you can activate option debug_search = true;)
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Re: [REL] Italian Multisite 4.0.4 released

Post by MrObama2022 »

Ok, that's UTF16. I dumped the page and I opened with an hex editor and that's what I can see:
’ -> chr(146) -> byte sequence in dumped page: C3 A2 C2 80 C2 99
… -> chr(133) -> byte sequence in dumped page: C3 A2 C2 80 C2 A6

So, that's what I did:
-> convert from UTF16 to UTF8
-> UTF8Decode (great work to translate ’ in ' and … in ...)
-> my magic function SharedUnknownToCP1252Decode to final conversion to Windows1252

Remember, with AMC the output must be Windows1252 and that a charset with only 255 characters so convert UTF16 to Windows1252 requires a kind of holy secret magic code. I removed all the conversions lines and procedures inside your ifs and I used this magic line only once:

Code: Select all

Page := SharedUnknownToCP1252Decode(UTF8Decode(StringReplace(Page, (chr(195) + chr(162) + chr(194) + chr(128) + chr(194)), (chr(226) + chr(128))))); 
By the way, I could call this SharedUTF16ToCP1252Decode() in my ItalianSharedPas.pas, maybe in next release ...

This worked with the 2 given examples and other test I did but now it's up to you do more tests. All the ifs updated here.

Let me know if I can help you more, let continue talking on your thread :grinking:
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