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by namron
2017-08-31 09:29:11
Forum: Ant Renamer > Help
Topic: how to change *( into * ( with space
Replies: 3
Views: 2424

Hello antp, thanks for your hints! "Replace double spacing by a single spacing" So simple, so effective! i thought way to complicated!!! And it works. Changing by regular expression just worked for a single file. Don´t know why it didn´t run through the other files. But nevertheless, you h...
by namron
2017-08-30 12:07:17
Forum: Ant Renamer > Help
Topic: how to change *( into * ( with space
Replies: 3
Views: 2424

how to change *( into * ( with space

hello, i have a problem where i don´t know how to fix it. got plenty of files with a certain naming, followed by a "(" directly after the last letter. now i want to have a space inbetween. could be so easy [change "(" into " (" ] if i wouldn´t have a large number of fil...