Search found 4 matches

by markusof
2017-08-08 08:21:40
Forum: Ant Renamer > Bug reports
Topic: Rename - replace space space with space goes into weird mode
Replies: 2
Views: 2387


cannot seem to get it to do it..

this was on a buffalo nas, so I will try again..
by markusof
2017-08-07 05:31:59
Forum: Ant Renamer > Bug reports
Topic: WISHLIST for next version
Replies: 3
Views: 3192

ability to FILTER / select files/folders to apply actions to

I OFTEN use renamer one thing I would find useful is ability to select the files I want to apply actions to I have to constantly add files - preview (some rules) remove files (delete) apply the action remove files - add them again would be nice to just be able to select / filter files matching a pat...
by markusof
2017-08-07 05:28:53
Forum: Ant Renamer > Bug reports
Topic: Rename - replace space space with space goes into weird mode
Replies: 2
Views: 2387

Rename - replace space space with space goes into weird mode

when replacing space space with space
everything after the space is appended - running multiple times results
test me
test me me
after another run
test me me me
by markusof
2015-10-05 23:20:42
Forum: Ant Renamer > Bug reports
Topic: Wishlist
Replies: 0
Views: 3407


I select my sub folder of music - with subfolders I would like a FILTER at the top to type in *;* I would like to select some files (marking them) I would then like to run my action (only on the marked/selected files) clear my filter, do some more ability to select from the list on what action shoul...