Search found 8 matches

by chalket
2013-10-29 16:04:43
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: [REQ] Problems with IMDB 3.80
Replies: 11
Views: 5485

Aw, come on, antp! You're not helping me cajole him (or her?) into finishing the job! :hum:
by chalket
2013-10-29 14:40:17
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: [REQ] Problems with IMDB 3.80
Replies: 11
Views: 5485

Now, if you could just get the Award import working again, you would be a god! wink Come on, cage, don't quit now! You have this script soooo close to perfect again! Why not fix the Award import function and finish the job in style? Then it could *really* be the "official version 3.81" wi...
by chalket
2013-10-26 05:28:52
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: [REQ] Problems with IMDB 3.80
Replies: 11
Views: 5485

All I can say is "Wow! Good job!":grinking: It was impressive enough getting the description fixed, but now you've got the multi-comment import working again for the first time in more than 2 years? Dude, you're awesome! Now, if you could just get the Award import working again, you would ...
by chalket
2013-10-25 16:09:53
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: [REQ] Problems with IMDB 3.80
Replies: 11
Views: 5485

To antp: I tried the suggested change and it seems to work for me. (I tested it on "Leaving Las Vegas" and it did grab the description.) To cage: Thanks very much for your help, I have absolutely zero programming knowledge so I would *never* have gotten there on my own! My troubles with t...
by chalket
2013-10-22 19:16:16
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: [REQ] IMDB little modification to the script
Replies: 3
Views: 2387

Thanks for the explanation. Unfortunately, it doesn't help me with my problem (viewtopic.php?t=5565) :shaking: but at least I better understand the difficulty.
by chalket
2013-10-21 18:08:30
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: [REQ] IMDB little modification to the script
Replies: 3
Views: 2387

It appears no one in this forum cares about or supports the IMDB script...
That's a bit surprising, I would have expected IMDB to be one of the most popular scripts... oh well.
by chalket
2013-10-18 17:11:33
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: Problema al buscar peliculas
Replies: 9
Views: 4938

Here is a very rough, but hopefully understandable, translation: Hi, changing the script for this new filmaffinity worked for me perfectly, but happens to me a problem. When you hit f6, script out the list, if I click on what I want it let me enter the search string, but in this particular, that of ...
by chalket
2013-10-18 17:04:34
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: [REQ] Problems with IMDB 3.80
Replies: 11
Views: 5485

[REQ] Problems with IMDB 3.80

Hi, I've been using AMC for several years now, but this is my first posting in the forum. The IMDB script is the only one I use, it has had a variety of quirks over the years but overall I have been very pleased. Thanks! My current problem is that the script seems to be accessing IMDB's "Combin...