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by Pleky
2013-01-12 17:16:26
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Help
Topic: Export : choose .htm and picture name
Replies: 3
Views: 1844

Thanks for the info, I've just created a raw export/HTML : $$ITEM_BEGIN$$ITEM_PICTUREFILENAME , $$ITEM_CF_FILENAME $$ITEM_END and I'm browsing my directories to change jpg and htm files. As minidlna is also supporting XBMC nfo xml, I'll add this later too. Thanks again for your great software, PleKy
by Pleky
2013-01-02 21:58:23
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Help
Topic: Export : choose .htm and picture name
Replies: 3
Views: 1844

Export : choose .htm and picture name

Hello, First very nice software, I use it for years now ;) Is it possible to use a field (custom field with film filename) to name exported files ? I would like to use minidlna, and thumbnail support requires to have filmFilename.jpg. I'm currently using title, but it is usually different than the f...