Search found 6 matches

by chicofox
2012-08-24 02:40:21
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Help
Topic: Can't see scripts even when language filter is set to all
Replies: 5
Views: 1933

Thanks for explaining that. I didn't realize the distinction between F6 and shift-F6. I had the previous version of the program and I tried both but neither allowed me to see the two scripts. I have now upgraded to the latest version of the program and I can now see Update Fields when I use shift-F6...
by chicofox
2012-08-24 02:15:55
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Bug reports
Topic: strange behavior when mouse is over Title list
Replies: 4
Views: 5138

So I was mistaken thinking that I had the latest version of the program. When I updated, the problem went away. Thanks for your help!
by chicofox
2012-08-23 17:55:22
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Help
Topic: Can't see scripts even when language filter is set to all
Replies: 5
Views: 1933

How exactly do I do that? I don't see a setting?
by chicofox
2012-08-23 12:22:44
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Bug reports
Topic: strange behavior when mouse is over Title list
Replies: 4
Views: 5138


There is no autofocus in the prefs.xml. I tried putting it in the <MovieList> tag but it had no effect :(
by chicofox
2012-08-23 03:34:56
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Bug reports
Topic: strange behavior when mouse is over Title list
Replies: 4
Views: 5138

strange behavior when mouse is over Title list

When I click on a movie title, nothing gets populated into the Movie Fields until I move my mouse outside of the list. There is a lot of cpu activity going on while the mouse is over the list, however. I used Sysinternals' Process Monitor to capture the events: Operation: RegOpenKey Path: HKLM\SOFTW...
by chicofox
2012-08-23 02:35:27
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Help
Topic: Can't see scripts even when language filter is set to all
Replies: 5
Views: 1933

Can't see scripts even when language filter is set to all

I wanted to use the Update Fields script and SoulSnakeUtils but they don't show up in the list. They exist in the scripts folder and I updated them using UPDATE SCRIPTS but they won't show up.

Any ideas?
