Search found 4 matches

by priccijr
2005-09-30 14:01:35
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: New Script
Replies: 0
Views: 972

New Script I tried change the Allgame script but had no luck.

Thanks, Pete
by priccijr
2004-11-30 02:01:51
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Comments
Topic: AMC suggestion
Replies: 4
Views: 1323

I have replaced "Rating" everywhere is says it with "Seen it" and it does not show in the program.
by priccijr
2004-11-30 00:07:56
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Comments
Topic: AMC suggestion
Replies: 4
Views: 1323

What program do I use to open the .lng file?
by priccijr
2004-11-29 19:34:00
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Comments
Topic: AMC suggestion
Replies: 4
Views: 1323

AMC suggestion

I'm not sure if this has been covered but I could use some userdefinable fields. Kind of like the Media type field but where you could change the name of the field from "Media type" to "Seen".