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by rgbigel
2009-06-26 17:11:40
Forum: Ant Renamer > Bug reports
Topic: Program dies without any message, heap overflow
Replies: 3
Views: 5333

The reason is that I have previously selected an initial directory, which happens to be large. I normally then use the pattern matching provided, ie I am using the file *_* to get all those not renamed before. That set is much smaller, but before I get there, the bug occurs. This was different when ...
by rgbigel
2009-06-26 11:43:28
Forum: Ant Renamer > Bug reports
Topic: Program dies without any message, heap overflow
Replies: 3
Views: 5333

Program dies without any message, heap overflow

I find this error consistently when I open the program and then try to insert file names (leftmost button) on a directory containing 600+ files (movies and short descriptions, in this case). I'm sending you some helpful data in case you have time to fix it. If I select and drag the items I want to r...