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by SFX
2007-08-18 21:02:08
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: IMDB script problem
Replies: 120
Views: 31497

bad4u I opened StringUtils1.pas and looked at the code you added: function ConvertToASCII(Value: string): string; begin HTMLDecode(Value); Value := StringReplace(Value, 'а', 'a'); Value := StringReplace(Value, 'б', 'a'); Value := StringReplace(Value, 'в', 'a'); Value := StringReplace(Value, 'г', 'a...
by SFX
2007-08-15 18:46:20
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: IMDB script problem
Replies: 120
Views: 31497

Here are updated versions of IMDB script (3.20) and StringUtils1.pas (v.5). You will need to update both files to use the "RemoveAccents" function on IMDB script. Remember to set option "RemoveAccents" to "1" (it is "0" by default).
by SFX
2007-07-31 19:59:17
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: IMDB script problem
Replies: 120
Views: 31497

I'll have a look on it later, but probably not before next week. I'm running out of free time at the moment .. ;) OK. By the way, æ -> ae (used for Scandinavian names) ð -> dh (used in Icelandic names) ÷ -> : (thought hat I doubt that it will appear as it is a math symbol and not a letter) þ ->th (...
by SFX
2007-07-30 21:44:11
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: IMDB script problem
Replies: 120
Views: 31497

antp wrote: If your OS is configured for Russian it is normal that French characters do not work.
Thanks for reply.
Now i understand. But how to fix it with script.
by SFX
2007-07-30 20:50:48
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: IMDB script problem
Replies: 120
Views: 31497

2 bad4u Hi! Thanks for IMDB script it's my favourite. :grinking: But i have a problem with it. If downloaded info has non english simbols (french, german, ets.) they are changed to russian simbols, in filds actors, director, producer, comments and others. :??: It looks: Franзois Berlйand (as Bernard...