Search found 5 matches

by fruey
2006-05-23 07:03:48
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Templates
Topic: [REL] 3 Column listing with Rating (for print)
Replies: 6
Views: 3630

Thank you. I have 2 questions: 1. Why is "[TranslatedTitle]" in some parts of the template, in the scripting window? 2. The "*" character is not displayed with the Wingdings font used to format, but with the ordinar "*" character. Not a big problem, but if I want to mo...
by fruey
2006-05-22 19:14:07
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Templates
Topic: [REL] 3 Column listing with Rating (for print)
Replies: 6
Views: 3630

[REL] 3 Column listing with Rating (for print)

Hi Smith,

Here's a link to the 3 column listing template. Just download and put it in the Templates folder.


by fruey
2006-05-17 14:08:04
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Templates
Topic: [REL] 3 Column listing with Rating (for print)
Replies: 6
Views: 3630


Yes! :D Basically, you have to watch your semi-colons. I'm not familiar with this syntax but I just worked it out. My report now detects rating and assigns: ***** Rated above 9 (exceptional movie) ***** >8 **** >7 *** >6 ** >5 * everything else. This is loosely accurate as a guide for films, based o...
by fruey
2006-05-17 13:31:43
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Templates
Topic: [REL] 3 Column listing with Rating (for print)
Replies: 6
Views: 3630

Getting somewhere

I am getting somewhere, but the scripting language examples given in FreeReport don't even work. So it's a bit difficult! Here's the code that works, I'd like to be able to set a stronger colour for those exceptional movies with a rating above 9, but this is it so far: begin if ([Rating] > '8') then...
by fruey
2006-05-17 08:14:20
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Templates
Topic: [REL] 3 Column listing with Rating (for print)
Replies: 6
Views: 3630

[REL] 3 Column listing with Rating (for print)

Hello, I'm designing a 3 column template for printing based roughly on zweckform but now looking quite different. I've got it almost perfect, but I'd like to display the rating. In my DB I always use the IMDb rating, which is a fraction out of 10. I have no problem to display the rating if it's avai...