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by scratneednuts
2020-09-25 09:17:38
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: Extract filename from FieldFilePath and find dublicate and replace
Replies: 5
Views: 751

Re: Extract filename from FieldFilePath and find dublicate and replace

Thanks antp.
But still misunderstandings.
Yesterday I have free time in work and I search for solution…
after more than 1.5 hour, at last I found. At nigh i test my Ant Movie Catalog…. Everything works :) .
I will explain later…
by scratneednuts
2020-09-17 13:40:50
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: Extract filename from FieldFilePath and find dublicate and replace
Replies: 5
Views: 751

Re: Extract filename from FieldFilePath and find dublicate and replace

Thanks for repay antp, fulvio53s03 sorry about my English, it is very hard to explain in English… 7 days ago my 4 bay usb encloser malfunction and corrupted NTFS file systems on all 4 disks. I succeed recover 90% using app, but recovery done by naming like [######]\
by scratneednuts
2020-09-16 10:21:09
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: Extract filename from FieldFilePath and find dublicate and replace
Replies: 5
Views: 751

Extract filename from FieldFilePath and find dublicate and replace

Hi My archive is mismatched… For fix i need script for extract filename [ etc] from FieldFilePath / FieldMedia=NEW and find same filename [ etc] from FieldMedia=OLD and paste full path from FieldFilePath / FieldMedia=NEW (..\Movies\...