Search found 10 matches

by bmm
2004-02-15 20:24:28
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Comments
Topic: Suggestion
Replies: 5
Views: 1592


Hi, Have you thought about using an actual database to store the data? I am pretty impressed by a little music library software called Musik ( ) that uses SQLite ( ) as the backend and thought that this could also be used in AMC. Just a suggestion. :)
by bmm
2002-08-17 20:34:13
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Help
Topic: question pour tous
Replies: 18
Views: 7756

You can use Babelfish to translate the french messages.
by bmm
2002-08-01 20:54:20
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Bug reports
Topic: Can't delete year as default value
Replies: 1
Views: 1413

Can't delete year as default value

Hi I have been bug-hunting because of some weird behaviour. :/ But I think I have found the bug. :) It is not possible to delete the default value for Year permanently. If there is no default value for Year before opening AMC, the program will set the default value for Year to current Year. I can ed...
by bmm
2002-07-29 12:50:21
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Bug reports
Topic: Bug when installing without lists contents
Replies: 1
Views: 1434

Bug when installing without lists contents

When installing the program without "lists contents" and afterwards opening preferences in AMC I get an error message that says "Cannont assign a nil to a TStringList." If I continue and click OK in the preferences I get an Access violation. AMC 3.3.0 (07/07/2002) Windows 2000 SP 1
by bmm
2002-07-29 12:24:35
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Comments
Topic: Open browser from script + a script menu
Replies: 3
Views: 1822

For the "Search..." menu, I will improve this menu, to allow to do a search on something else than the title, and other encoding methods (by the way, how should the title be encoded for what you need ?) Instead of "+" between each word it should have "&V1=" at this...
by bmm
2002-07-29 09:25:57
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Comments
Topic: Open browser from script + a script menu
Replies: 3
Views: 1822

Open browser from script + a script menu

I earlier had this post ( where I was asking for a possibility to UrlEncode a Title differently because this one site doesn't use "+" to search on more than one word. I have now done this encoding through a script (trying to make a g...
by bmm
2002-07-27 14:27:23
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Comments
Topic: Show old values in Results windows
Replies: 1
Views: 1309

Show old values in Results windows

It would be nice if old values could be shown in a 3rd column in the results window after running a script. This way it would be possible to check which values is replaced (without moving the results window to see the normal window behind). A check-box for imported pictures in the result windows wou...
by bmm
2002-07-27 11:48:16
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Bug reports
Topic: Bug when adding content to Description Field through script
Replies: 2
Views: 1769

Bug when adding content to Description Field through script

Hi My goal is to add text to the Description field through a script instead of replacing the original content. Try the following: In the IMDB script replace one line SetField(fieldDescription, getfield(fieldDescription) + #13#10#13#10 + Value); instead of SetField(fieldDescription, Value); When runn...
by bmm
2002-07-27 09:41:32
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Help
Topic: Line breaks in Description Field through script
Replies: 2
Views: 1896

Thanks for the quick answer. It works exactly as it should. :grinking:
by bmm
2002-07-27 09:06:35
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Help
Topic: Line breaks in Description Field through script
Replies: 2
Views: 1896

Line breaks in Description Field through script


Is it possible to create "line breaks" (like saying /n or something) in the Description and Comments Field through a script?

I want to convert <p> and <br> to line breaks, so that text in paragraphs on a webpage doesn't end up as one long paragraph in AMC.