Search found 2 matches

by Phillyman
2006-03-13 09:21:48
Forum: Ant Renamer > Comments
Topic: Reverse Renaming + Enumeration
Replies: 3
Views: 2452

Donation should show up in your mailbox shortly

Thanks A Ton!

Keep up the fantastic work!
by Phillyman
2006-03-13 08:57:29
Forum: Ant Renamer > Comments
Topic: Reverse Renaming + Enumeration
Replies: 3
Views: 2452

Reverse Renaming + Enumeration

I would Gladly Donate if you can add this small feature I have an extensive videogame magazine collection .....unfortunatly i hate how much room it takes up .....and i am in the progress of scanning my magazines into electronic format Debinding the magazine and running it thru my scanner .....with t...