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by facts
2003-04-08 20:16:46
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: Amazon Large Pic Import Script
Replies: 6
Views: 2701

Here is an updated, less buggy version. //GETINFO SCRIPTING //AMAZON PICTURE IMPORT (large picture) (* Author: facts ( Script for the importation of pictures from amazon, FindLine code taken from IMDB (large pic).ifs, GetToken code from SWAG archive For use with Ant Movie Catalo...
by facts
2003-04-08 07:00:05
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: Amazon Large Pic Import Script
Replies: 6
Views: 2701

Amazon Large Pic Import Script

Hello, i'm new to the forums, and never have written anything in pascal, but here is my first go at it. This should import pictures from amazon, the nice large ones ;), and it stores them internally. It could be buggy, dunno, but it has worked so far for me, enjoy.