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Use same number for more than one movie
Posted: 2003-07-29 19:22:33
by stcraig
I have quite a few vhs tapes that I have recorded over the years. Some of these tapes have more than one movie on them. Is it possible to use the same number for more than one movie, or do I need to renumber my entire tape library using a different number for each movie?
Posted: 2003-07-29 21:45:54
by greg
It's possible (by modifying script or the file) but it is not recommended.
Some functions are based on the film number (for example the management of the loans, export, and maybe reports).
In the next version there will be the possibility to add a field "Number of disc/tape" for this kind of things.
Posted: 2004-11-30 20:36:35
by Lexus
In the next version there will be the possibility to add a field "Number of disc/tape" for this kind of things.
Its good because I have very much film (5-6 on one DVD)!
Posted: 2004-11-30 23:37:36
by antp
Well, this was an old post
In version 3.5 it will probably be authorized to have same number for several movies (I think I corrected most of the problems related to that).
But for a "Media number" field separated from "Movie number" (and lots of other fields) it will be in a later version.
Posted: 2005-01-03 17:39:30
by Guest
You indicated that it will be possible to have more than one title with the same movie (for disks with multiple movies) with version 3.5. I have tried version 3.5 beta 3 and I don't see how to do this. Is it possible?
Posted: 2005-01-03 18:00:22
by antp
A beta version is not yet a final version

As I said previously, I will probably add that for the 3.5 but I'll have to make this carefully, since it may cause problems. Maybe that in next beta version it will be done, but anyway I hope to add that for the final one.
Posted: 2005-01-03 18:10:08
by Guest
Thanks, That would be great. Any idea when you might add this? I certainly don't want to complian, because I use your software alot. I have a bunch of disks with multiple titles and want organize/catalog them by number. So it would help if I could use the same number for the disks that have more than one title.
Thanks for the great program!
Posted: 2005-01-03 18:42:39
by antp
I hope to have time to do that on next week-end