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Update Script

Posted: 2019-09-14 08:33:53
by catozzo29
Update italian Script Please. Thank You

Re: Update Script

Posted: 2019-09-16 15:40:56
by antp
It could be useful to provide a little more details, e.g. which script?
Also, have you already tried to run the "update scripts" script from the top of the scripts list, in case a newer version of the script you want to use is available?

Re: Update Script

Posted: 2019-10-11 13:37:29
by catozzo29
Hello, unfortunately always check but all Italian scripts are no longer updated

Re: Update Script

Posted: 2019-10-14 05:34:23
by fulvio53s03
devi indicare quali script son in errore e dire anche qual'รจ l'errore che riscontri, altrimenti hai poche (nulle) speranze che qualcuno corregga gli errori.
you must indicate which scripts are in error and also say what is the error you are experiencing, otherwise you have little (no) hope that someone will correct the errors.