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[UPD ITA] version 2.0

Posted: 2018-05-24 14:54:10
by fulvio53s03
Nuova versione, funzionamento verificato con i film:
New version, movies used to test:
Assassinio Sull'orient Express
Inju, La Bête Dans L’ombre
Assassinio Sull'orient Express
Blade Runner
Bride Wars - La Mia Migliore Nemica
La Prima Cosa Bella
Un Dollaro D'onore
Pronti A Morire
Alien: Covenant
Blade Runner 2049
Mamma Mia!

Code: Select all

Aggiornate lo script usando l'apposita procedure "Script Update" poichè esso contiene dei caratteri speciali che non tutti gli editors/browsers traducono correttamente!
Update Script using procedure "Script Update" as it contains some special characters not always well translated by editors/browsers ! ;)


Re: [UPD ITA] version 2.0

Posted: 2018-05-24 16:43:40
by antp
Should it replace the current script? Or is it still in testing phase?
If it should replace, can you send me the original file via as I'm not sure that there aren't some special characters lost when copy/pasting it from the forum.

Re: [UPD ITA] version 2.0

Posted: 2018-05-24 17:39:28
by fulvio53s03
antp wrote: 2018-05-24 16:43:40 Should it replace the current script? Or is it still in testing phase?
It must replace old script version 1.x.x.
Sent to h__ps:// !

Re: [UPD ITA] version 2.0

Posted: 2018-05-24 18:10:19
by antp
Thanks :)
Maybe it was fine for special characters, what I took for a wrongly encoded/decoded character was just the "l?" that you replace after other special ones.
Normally most of these characters are correctly decoded by UTF8Decode, why did you do that via a series of StringReplace here?
Only a few special ones normally require that.

Re: [UPD ITA] version 2.0

Posted: 2018-05-24 21:02:58
by fulvio53s03
antp wrote: 2018-05-24 18:10:19 Thanks :)
Maybe it was fine for special characters, what I took for a wrongly encoded/decoded character was just the "l?" that you replace after other special ones.
Normally most of these characters are correctly decoded by UTF8Decode, why did you do that via a series of StringReplace here?
Only a few special ones normally require that.
I don't really know the reason why :shaking: :innocent: it happened that some characters were non well translated... maybe for a previous error in working on string... (surely my fault)... :fire:

Re: [UPD ITA] version 2.0

Posted: 2018-06-02 16:47:24
by otreux
Fantastic, thanks! :clapping: