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Drag & drop images & informations not working
Posted: 2017-03-19 03:04:35
by fulvio53s03
drag & drop images into AMC database doesn't work no more with browser Firefox (rel. 52.0).
Any Idea about the reason why?
Even importing information (drag & drop) from files with Mediainfo does not work!
MovieCatalog.exe: version (created on 10/08/2015 18:10:38)
AMCExchange.dll: version (created on 10/08/2015 18:10:44)
AMCReport.exe: version (created on 10/08/2015 18:10:54)
MediaInfo.dll: version 0.7.71 (created on 09/11/2014 21:47:02)
(press Ctrl+C if you want to copy these information to clipboard)
Posted: 2017-03-19 19:09:26
by antp
If it stopped working, you most likely changed something on your end, since the program hasn't changed since 2015.
Or it is due to a recent update of Windows. There were issues with the first release of Windows 10, but it has been solved in a later update (it worked again at least since July 2016).
Drag & drop works fine here (Firefox 52.0.1)
Posted: 2017-03-20 06:02:13
by fulvio53s03
antp wrote:... you most likely changed something on your end, since the program hasn't changed since 2015.
Or it is due to a recent update of Windows....
Thanks. I'm sure you are right, it is problem about Win 10.
I Hoped someone else could have a solution.

Posted: 2017-03-20 10:20:41
by antp
Do you have it at the latest version?
As that problem only occured in earlier versions, as far as I know.
Another possibility of problems is drag & drop between admin and non-admin programs, and/or between 32-bit and 64-bit programs.
Though that my file manager is running as admin and AMC is not, and the drag & drop still works.
Posted: 2017-03-20 15:41:45
by fulvio53s03
antp wrote:Do you have it at the latest version?
As that problem only occured in earlier versions, as far as I know.
Another possibility of problems is drag & drop between admin and non-admin programs, and/or between 32-bit and 64-bit programs.
Though that my file manager is running as admin and AMC is not, and the drag & drop still works.
My win 10 is 64bit (from 1 year ago) and it worked till last week; after seen it didn't, I went back with updates to 16.3,2017 but it doesn't work.
Only KB4013418 was impossible to rollback.
drag & drop is OK with Libreoffice

Posted: 2017-03-20 19:50:52
by antp
Well as I said, drag & drop problems were in early versions of W10, current one should not cause problems (including updates from last week).
If it is due to a Windows Update, maybe it will work again later when they'll fix the bug
If you haven't changed anything, I don't know what could cause that.