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Regular expression to import movies title

Posted: 2013-10-05 04:21:27
by fulvio53s03
Usually my movies have a file name such this:
"Title (Author) Year.ext"
Would you suggest me a regular expression to delete "(Author)" while importing into AMC?
Is it possible to import such movie title into Translated Title instead of Original Title?
Many Thanks

Posted: 2013-10-05 09:17:45
by soulsnake
Usually my movies have a file name such this:
"Title (Author) Year.ext"
Would you suggest me a regular expression to delete "(Author)" while importing into AMC?
I give you my generic filter to extract a movie title from movie filename.
Maybe I will update it as default in next update of AMC 4.2 beta.
Download the file bellow that contains filter and import it from window to filter filename. ... lename.txt

This regular expression will remove "(Author)":

Code: Select all

::>\([-_ a-zA-Z0-9éëèàù,.]*\) # Remove content in brakets= 
Is it possible to import such movie title into Translated Title instead of Original Title?
You can do this from "File > Import > Media files" and click on title column in preview list to set translated title instead of original title field


Posted: 2013-10-06 11:31:19
by fulvio53s03
Thanks for your quick answer but regular expression doesn't look to be useful and file name/movie title remains the same as before:
Convoy - Trincea d'Asfalto (Sam Peckinpah) 1978.avi
I obtain:
Convoy Trincea d'Asfalto Sam Peckinpah
while I wish:
Convoy Trincea d'Asfalto

Useful suggestions to use import.... should it be possible to obtain the same result using drag & drop??

Posted: 2013-10-06 12:34:56
by soulsnake
Thanks for your quick answer but regular expression doesn't look to be useful and file name/movie title remains the same as before:
Convoy - Trincea d'Asfalto (Sam Peckinpah) 1978.avi
I obtain:
Convoy Trincea d'Asfalto Sam Peckinpah
while I wish:
Convoy Trincea d'Asfalto
I test your example with the filter I give you and I have the good result:
Convoy Trincea d'Asfalto

Do you import the filter or just add the regular explession in your filter ?
I modify the filter to support all charateres, it will work even if you have special characteres en brackets:

Code: Select all

::>\(.*\) # Remove content in brakets= 
Useful suggestions to use import.... should it be possible to obtain the same result using drag & drop??
Yes but you can not import title directly in translated title.
I will add this option in a future version (4.2.1).


Posted: 2013-10-06 21:26:17
by fulvio53s03
After importing filter-file you gave me now it's OK!
(i wrote the filter and tried to import with drag & drop... :badidea:)
thanks! :grinking:

Posted: 2013-10-18 10:08:40
by criza
These filter rules are great, but when I import scene releases the group name won't be stripped. Here's an example:

A Serious Man ESPi SE 1

(Please note I added the -1 (for CD1) at the end myself, tho it would be great if this could be stripped, too.)


There Will Be Blood Di AMOND

Any solution with what rule I could fix this? Thank you.

PS I thought about stripping the whole "XviD-*" or "X264-*" if it's possible to add wildcards. Surely easier than adding all group names to the filter.

Posted: 2013-10-18 16:48:06
by soulsnake

I improve the filter to remove all content after commun values :

Code: Select all

::> bluray.*= 
::> hddvd.*= 
::> dvd.*= 
::> bdrip.*= 
::> brrip.*= 
::> webrip.*= 
::> divx.*= 
::> xvid.*= 
::> x264.*= 
::> h264.*= 
You can download it here : ... ename2.txt


Posted: 2013-10-18 19:29:06
by criza
Hi & Thanks!

I found a couple more cases where the file name hasn't been stripped correctly by your filter, please see the link below, otherwise it works perfectly.

I'd (and others certainly too) appreciate it a lot if you could update the filter rules once again.

Posted: 2013-10-18 20:55:33
by soulsnake
You can download the new filter here : ... ename3.txt
