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It,s possyble to add fields or modify name or the existing?

Posted: 2011-03-17 19:46:39

I don´t use some fields, but i want to add another ones

It is possyble?

Thanks for this great software


Posted: 2011-03-18 15:16:54
by antp
You can change the names of the fields by editing the translation files.
Open the one that you use from the "Languages" folder using a text editor (e.g. Notepad) and search for the [TMovieFrame] section.
Note that if you do that with English.lng you have to select "English (for translations)" as language instead of "English (default)".

Posted: 2011-03-18 21:29:17
A million of thanks antp :grinking:

I will try it.
I was thinking in a field to register if the movie was viewed, or is part of a saga....

thanks again

Posted: 2011-03-20 00:12:24
hi antp

I'm tried it and works fine in the program main window, but in the menus, the fields names keeps the previous.
For example, i changed the field "source" for the field "state", but when i want to sort the list by this field, i don´t see "state". I see "source".
It's possyble to change it?

Thanks again, and sorry for my bad english :hum:

Fichero de Traducción de AMC al español opcional

Posted: 2011-03-20 18:56:58
Existen algunos campos originales del AMC que yo no utilizaba, y que he renombrado, para darles un nuevo uso

campo "prestatario" cambia a "estado" para definir si la película se ha visto o no

campo "fuente" cambia a "opinión" para valorar la película después de vista como muy buena, buena...

campo "idiomas" cambia a "grupos, sagas" para definir si la película es parte de una saga, una secuela, una serie...

campo "subtitles" cambia a "Características Principales" para definir la película en unas palabras

Adjunto el fichero de lenguage, por si a alguien le interesa la modificación.
Para ello bastaría con sustituir el fichero spanish.lng de la carpeta ant movie catalog/languages , con el incluido en el zip
Now I understood
This Is the result


and the language file to download (spanish)

Thanks antp

Posted: 2011-03-22 09:51:20
by antp
I guess that you found it in the meantime, but indeed I forgot to mention that menus etc. are elsewhere in the file.