(IT) FilmUP no more working good!!
Posted: 2010-07-31 11:47:19
From today the script 1.0.5 need to be a fix.
I have try some minutes ago and i try to found some title:
- SomeTime not found anything and from FilmUP it's possibile to found
- SomeTime found another different title i have ask
- SomeTime not found anything... no title found
From the home page of FilmUP all title i can't found exist all.........
I can wrote some example it's impossible to found with the script:
All this film exist... but with the 1.0.5 script it's impossible to found it!
Fixing please.
I have try some minutes ago and i try to found some title:
- SomeTime not found anything and from FilmUP it's possibile to found
- SomeTime found another different title i have ask
- SomeTime not found anything... no title found
From the home page of FilmUP all title i can't found exist all.........
I can wrote some example it's impossible to found with the script:
Code: Select all
Fixing please.