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(IT) FilmUP no more working good!!

Posted: 2010-07-31 11:47:19
by DjDiabolik
From today the script 1.0.5 need to be a fix.

I have try some minutes ago and i try to found some title:
- SomeTime not found anything and from FilmUP it's possibile to found
- SomeTime found another different title i have ask
- SomeTime not found anything... no title found

From the home page of FilmUP all title i can't found exist all.........

I can wrote some example it's impossible to found with the script:

Code: Select all
All this film exist... but with the 1.0.5 script it's impossible to found it!

Fixing please.

Posted: 2010-08-06 20:08:19
by DjDiabolik
The problems still remain............. this section it's dead ?

Posted: 2010-08-07 11:06:33
by antp
I never make/fix scripts myself except few ones (Allociné, IMDB, MovieMeter, DVDFR)
All these scripts are sent by users and maintained by them or by other users.

Posted: 2010-08-07 16:57:05
by DjDiabolik
Ah... and it's possible to know the user have create the script of filmup ??

I can try to contact em by PM or email........

Posted: 2010-08-08 14:22:20
by antp
The nickname is written in the info of the script (header) but in this case there were multiple people: I do not know which one was the latest one to update the scripts, and these are not especially forum user names (since some scripts were received by e-mail)

Posted: 2010-08-08 18:21:58
by fulvio53s03
DjDiabolik wrote:Ah... and it's possible to know the user have create the script of filmup ??

I can try to contact em by PM or email........
I'm not the author of the script (I'm not so clever ;) ) but I gave an answer via PM and here:

Bye. :hihi:

Posted: 2010-08-09 17:26:25
by fulvio53s03
anyway, if you want to try, you can substitute:
LineNr := FindLine('FilmUP - Scheda: ',Page,LineNr);
LineNr := FindLine('href="',Page,LineNr);

let me know so that we can change the script for everybody.

Posted: 2010-08-12 05:33:22
by fulvio53s03
Provate a vedere qui:
C'è una nuova Release che dovrebbe sistemare i problemi.
Fatemi sapere. ;)

Posted: 2010-08-13 11:57:16
by DjDiabolik
Allora... ho cancellato i precedenti file e scaricato dall'update script la nuova versione.

Ora non viene mostrata insieme agli altri script nella lista... perchè ??

This new version not more appears with the all other script... because ?

Posted: 2010-08-13 13:27:13
by antp
My fault, there was an extra empty line at the top of the script.
I re-uploaded it on the server