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Field Summary Help

Posted: 2010-03-21 12:30:54
by MrGer

I'd like to summarize 2 field, but it doesn't working....

I try these (in the AMCReport designer, Field Text Editor / Script option:

1. create a new field, set datatype to number and create a script:
Sum([label:Size]), Sum([label:Disks])

Sum([Size], MasterData), Sum([Size] + [Disks])

I put this filed on MasterData or PageFooter.
I get an Error Message all time...

(And also like hide expression, when it appeared twice. e.g. make a list, when I sort films as Director, but one director can visible just once.)

Can anybody help me?

Posted: 2010-03-23 23:08:28
by antp
I am not sure that master/detail is supposed to work, it is rather for real database sources.
I do not know what Sum is supposed to do either.
I use a complete reporting engine, but only some of its feature are available in the way I use it in AMC.


Posted: 2010-03-24 11:38:04
by MrGer
Thanks! I'll try again...