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Page break when printing from web browser

Posted: 2009-12-03 11:55:37
by Gurb
Hello all,

First of all, my apologizes if this topic has been already mentioned before, I searched for it within the forums and I couldn't find anything.

My problem is that when I export my catalog to html and try to print my template from a browser, i got the annoying page break anywhere, so most of the times I get half of the data from a film in a page and half of the data in the next page.

I tried to use the 'page-break-inside' html property to avoid breaking into each record, but I couldn't make it work :??:

The alternative is to open my template with Word (for instance) and print it from there, but then I have different problems as Words doesn't deal very well with the size of the tables and it is really a mess the way it displays it.

Any idea or suggestion?

Thanks a lot in advance

Posted: 2009-12-23 09:47:04
by Gurb
Hello again,

Didn't anybody have the same problem printing templates? :(

Any help or suggestion please?

Posted: 2009-12-24 14:26:56
by bad4u
Not sure if it's possible here, but could you post the html export code you use on AMC or provide a link to the website you want to print (maybe as PM) ?

PS: Wouldn't be report designer an alternative for printing ?