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Allmusic script for Ant Music Catalog don't work, help.

Posted: 2009-06-09 13:17:38
by draculaestaca
Soy EspaƱol y no me defiendo bien con el ingles, necesito que alguien arregle el script de Allmusic, ya que el mod me ha dejado de funcionar.
Me vale cualquier script que funcione para el Ant Music Catalog.

Help, please.....

Posted: 2009-07-24 08:51:13
by fulvio53s03
Well, my friends, I think I have the solution: simply change /cg/agg.dll to /cg/amg.dll in the script and everything will go on.


Posted: 2009-07-24 11:52:07
by fulvio53s03

hasta luego! :grinking: