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Number of channels in AC3 sound
Posted: 2003-02-03 11:42:45
by Yorgul
Is it possible to add the number of channels when the audio format is AC3? It could be in the same field, like AC3-2 or AC3-6.
Thanks in advance.
Posted: 2003-02-03 11:44:47
by Yorgul
I don't mean adding it manually, I mean detecting it from the movie
Posted: 2003-02-03 12:49:28
by antp
I'll have to find how this is coded in the file, if it is not in the audio stream header of the AVI I won't add that...
Posted: 2003-10-22 23:41:21
by Mguel
I'll love that feature...
It's so different to have a stereo AC3 than a 5.1 AC3, that would be nice to know if it's a 5.1 by looking to the catalog...
Thanks in advance,
PS: I hope that its on the AVI header or you change your desicion. Thanks anyway.
Posted: 2003-10-23 13:09:35
by antp
Mguel wrote:or you change your desicion
It is not because I do not want, it is because I can't
In the future I will probably use this :
that will allow me to get much more info
Posted: 2003-10-25 00:18:27
by Mguel
I use
GSpot, but it's not open source, so it won't help you... so it's great that Media Info exists.
Posted: 2003-10-25 20:13:29
by lac21
It's easy to find out if you look at the audio bitrates.
192 kbps -> Stereo
384 or 448 kbps -> 5.1
And for antp:
Could you insert this line to Codecs.ini:
So the avi files with DTS stream would be also recognised. THX
Posted: 2003-10-25 21:12:53
by antp
Posted: 2003-10-25 22:53:29
by lac21
Here is a little script for the AC3 problem:
Code: Select all
// AC3 analyzer
program AC3Analyzer;
if (GetField(fieldAudioFormat) = 'AC3') and ((GetField(fieldAudioBitrate) = '384') or (GetField(fieldAudioBitrate) = '448')) then
SetField(fieldAudioFormat, 'AC3 5.1');
if (GetField(fieldAudioFormat) = 'AC3') and (GetField(fieldAudioBitrate) = '192') then
SetField(fieldAudioFormat, 'AC3 2.0')
Select all movies, press F6 and run this script.
Posted: 2003-11-03 19:05:20
that will not necessarily be true. i have several older films that are 448 but are only 4 channel. many movies from the late 60's early 70's that were considered high quality for their time are only 4 channel. some have been remastered to simulate 5.1 instead of the 4 channel dual-stereo method used then however many still have not.
Posted: 2003-11-05 19:11:58
by lac21
OK, you're right. I also have 256kbps AC3 but it's rare.
This script works for most of the (new) movies.
Posted: 2003-11-29 07:01:13
if this feature is implemented in the next version (i hope it is) there are a few other things to look for - 6.1 sound and multi-stream files come to mind. i know i have found a few in my collection that read as ac3+ac3 384kbps and it is actually listing two 192kbps streams and then adding the bitrates.