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Comment Field With Linebreaks to TStringList?

Posted: 2009-03-30 21:19:16
by Nicezia
Can you convert the comment field to a TstringList with the built in functions in the Scripting engine?

I'm trying to navigate through a list of Extra fields that i manage in the comments field and i haven't been able to figure out how to convert the comment field into a tstringlist it simply deletes formating when i copy it over to any variable, causing an error when i try to use the TstringList to navigate through it

Re: Comment Field With Linebreaks to TStringList?

Posted: 2009-03-31 06:25:42
by bad4u
Nicezia wrote:Can you convert the comment field to a TstringList with the built in functions in the Scripting engine?

Code: Select all

  list := TStringList.Create;
  list.text := GetField(fieldComments);