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Add comment in help file on UTF-8 format for ARB files

Posted: 2023-10-30 15:57:59
by hektor_paris

Many thanks for this great application.

I have a comment on the help file concerning the command line chapter:
It would be useful to precise that the ARB files have to be saved in UTF-8 format (and not ASCII for example).

I'm french and manipulate lots of file with accent in the names ("é", "à", ...). I have faced many problems til I find one of your response in the forum which indicates the UTF-8 format for ARB and jobs files. But finding this comment is not easy...
And of course, I don't encounter any problem more with command line jobs.

Bien à toi.

Re: Add comment in help file on UTF-8 format for ARB files

Posted: 2023-11-01 15:17:27
by antp
If you create a file with the program as sample/test file and then complete it, it is normally already correctly encoded (and has a XML UTF8 prologue), so it is probably easier as starting point than creating a file from scratch.