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Numbers descending?
Posted: 2007-09-24 13:37:02
by Jayvie
I like this program a lot, so I'm trying to use different templates to make my collection as I want it... Now, is there any way to sort the numbers descending, so that the newest is at the top?
Posted: 2007-09-24 16:47:55
by antp
Inversing order is not possible currently. It is one of the big lack that I still haven't fixed (sorting thing is from early versions and I haven't changed it since).
Posted: 2007-09-25 07:10:54
by Jayvie
Aha, no problem then
Maybe you know an answer to this:
I have used this template, but now I want to add a scrollbar to the left frame, because you always have to scroll back up, when you want to watch one of the lower movies... How can I do this? Tried some things, but didn't quite work... If I have to post this elsewhere, no problem then
Posted: 2007-09-25 09:22:30
by antp
Actually for that there is another template. You have to see the files in : movies.html is the frameset that includes both the list and movie detail pages, rather than having the list including the detail page like in the template that you used.
Posted: 2007-09-25 09:29:11
by Jayvie
Oh really? I'll go and check that then, thanks!