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special signs give no results

Posted: 2007-04-01 17:24:37
by spotlight
Hey Antp,

If you type Mr. & Mrs Smith it can't find any hits.
If you type Mr Mrs Smith, it do as well.
It looks that it do no accept special signs like: . & " ' ( § è ! ç à ) - ...ect.
Is that a bug in the program?
On the website database is it: Mr. & Mrs Smith


Posted: 2007-04-01 18:05:38
by antp
Well, from the screen capture I guess that your question is related to the "MovieMeter" script...
If you type "Mr. & Mrs Smith" in the search box on it does not give any result either.
When I type "Mr Mrs Smith" it works fine in both website and script.


Posted: 2007-04-02 18:51:07
by spotlight
I see,
i think about this for future inserts.
Thanks for your answer.