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problems with a getpage()
Posted: 2006-11-10 08:01:45
by ABNormal
i've created a script .
this script should read from internet some page like this one:
whose source is
Code: Select all
<ASX Version = "3.0">
<Entry> <Ref href = "" /> </Entry>
well, i dont know why, this script does one of these two problems:
1) read timeout: it waits a lot for reading this few (and easy to download) lines
2) it gives me strange errors, such as
may anyone understand this?
Posted: 2006-11-10 17:44:22
by antp
And what do you do in your script ?
Posted: 2006-11-13 09:05:46
by ABNormal
that is the error that appear on one of my 2 PCs.
in the other one (same existing page) the error is:
and, of course, here it doesnt download the source text.
for the 1st PC i'll answer during this morning.
thank you
Posted: 2006-11-14 08:47:47
by ABNormal
on the 1st PC that strange error (that reproduce the 1st line of that .asx file) doesnt permit to download the source text.
the strangest thing is that, going deep in my problem, that this .asx file is taken reading another .asx file!
so inside some .asx are written the calls to other links (some are directly a mms:// link, other are .asx that contains the mms://, that is my goal), but if a try to open each "obtained" .asx file, this ones creates an error.
i know, i'm not using, i'm"abusing" your program for different reasons that the ones you wrote it, and i'm abusing of your kindness; but this time i really dont understand these strange errors...
thank you
Posted: 2006-11-14 15:18:24
by antp
You try to download from a mms:// URL ?
AMC has a HTTP client, but that's all. It is not a streaming client, it is normal that it cannot download such things. Same for FTP or other protocols: it will just not work.
Posted: 2006-11-15 14:58:31
by ABNormal
antp wrote:You try to download from a mms:// URL ?
AMC has a HTTP client, but that's all. It is not a streaming client, it is normal that it cannot download such things. Same for FTP or other protocols: it will just not work.
NO Antoine.
The script i made open some .asx (so text files) and shoud read the link of that videostream (normally is a mms://) to keep it as FieldUrl.
so it opens asx and save a mms : // as ULR info.
sometimes into the .asx files i find an other .asx. So i wrote to open this text too and read into this second file and arrive to the URL i'm finding.
during this second operation (same mothod for the first one) i receive that errors.
Code: Select all
if pos('.asx',getField(fieldurl))>0 then begin
newlink:=textbetween(getpage(getField(fieldurl)),'<Ref href = "','"/>');
it should control is the 1st link is .asx and, in this case, open its text and try to catch the link
is this a clearer description ?
Posted: 2006-11-15 15:11:27
by antp
Are you sure that this test is enough? Because except a problem from the server I do not know what could cause that if you are sure that you do not try to download something from a non-HTTP server.
Posted: 2006-11-18 11:34:54
by ABNormal
mystery goes on....
if i put this
cou := TStringList.Create;
cou.Text := GetPage(getfield(fielddescription));
where fieldDescription is:
it gives me that errors..
if i write
cou := TStringList.Create;
cou.Text := GetPage('')
it loads that page's source text.
Code: Select all
<ASX version = "3.0">
<entry clientskip="no" skipifref="no">
<Ref href = "mms://"/>
strange thing, isnt it?
Posted: 2006-11-18 12:10:13
by ABNormal
in fielddescription there was the ASX link plus #13 #10 and THIS created that errors!
so now i've changed script into
cou.Text := GetPage(textbefore(getfield(fielddescription),'.asx','')+'.asx')
and it works!
sorry if i've disturbed you so much
thank you very very much for your kindness