antp wrote:You try to download from a mms:// URL ?
AMC has a HTTP client, but that's all. It is not a streaming client, it is normal that it cannot download such things. Same for FTP or other protocols: it will just not work.
NO Antoine.
The script i made open some .asx (so text files) and shoud read the link of that videostream (normally is a mms://) to keep it as FieldUrl.
so it opens asx and save a mms : // as ULR info.
sometimes into the .asx files i find an other .asx. So i wrote to open this text too and read into this second file and arrive to the URL i'm finding.
during this second operation (same mothod for the first one) i receive that errors.
Code: Select all
if pos('.asx',getField(fieldurl))>0 then begin
newlink:=textbetween(getpage(getField(fieldurl)),'<Ref href = "','"/>');
it should control is the 1st link is .asx and, in this case, open its text and try to catch the link
is this a clearer description ?