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XML Save - new Names for pictures

Posted: 2006-09-20 14:44:20
by kuno21

When i save the catalog as XML, and ther are already pictures in the export dir, i will get all pictures exported again, with names like 1_xxxxxxx.jpg. ( the next save will change the xxxxxxx to a new value - so will have a complete serie off all pictures at each xml-saving)

And in the XML-File the last value from xxxxxx will be written.

I turned on that the puctures should not be saved when they allready exist.

Any hints for me

MovieCatalog.exe : version (29.5.2005 12:51:40)
AMCExchange.dll : version (26.6.2004 23:39:24)
AMCReport.exe : version (15.1.2005 16:13:58)
MediaInfo.dll : version (18.5.2005 23:45:58)

(press Ctrl+C if you want to copy these information to clipboard)


Posted: 2006-09-20 15:02:34
by antp
You mean if you save several times the catalog without closing/reopening it?

Posted: 2006-09-20 20:22:16
by kuno21
antp wrote:Hi,
You mean if you save several times the catalog without closing/reopening it?
No, that happens also if i open AMC with my default database, save to xml and close amc.

each time i do so, i get a new series of all pics.

Posted: 2006-09-20 21:55:21
by antp
Strange. Well, it is for sure a bug. I will see if I can reproduce the problem, and fix it for next version ;)

Posted: 2006-09-21 09:20:23
by kuno21
antp wrote:Strange. Well, it is for sure a bug. I will see if I can reproduce the problem, and fix it for next version ;)

To configure a seperate picture-Path for XML would be usefull :-))



For me Webtrack is the best addition to AMC

Would be great to cooperate with the guys there

Posted: 2006-09-21 15:13:00
by antp
Actually he asked me few questions some time ago:
in a future version I will probably arrange the XML handling to make it work better with webtrack (and work better at all, since there are some problems...)

Posted: 2006-11-01 10:37:14
by antp
I checked and it is maybe not really a bug... if you save a AMC file that has stored pictures to a XML file in a folder where there are already pictures, well the programme cannot guess that all the pictures are related to a previous conversion. It would be a little complicated to handle.