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about modifing a template

Posted: 2006-04-02 11:01:28
by plus
I modified a template (the alcast catalogue) so that it includes also the media label field (add rectangle object-> variable= medialabel).
I filled up the media label field with a text string but in the printing preview I don't see this text.

Could you help me to solve this? When am I wrong?

Thanx you and thanx for your great software!

p.s.: sorry but I can't write french :(

Posted: 2006-04-02 12:29:10
by antp
Is the added rectangle located on the same "Master data" band as the other rectangle fields?

Posted: 2006-04-02 13:08:37
by plus

yes, it's inside the bigger rectangle band named master data....


Posted: 2006-04-02 20:39:58
by antp
And it has the same style as other rectangles, i.e. the field name between [...] ?

I found my error

Posted: 2006-04-08 20:53:16
by plus

this just to tell ya I found my error so it was not a bug of your software... :)

simply, the variable inside the rectangular box was [label:medialabel] and not [medialabel] as it should be!

anyway thanx again for your very good progr!
