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Reverse Renaming + Enumeration

Posted: 2006-03-13 08:57:29
by Phillyman
I would Gladly Donate if you can add this small feature

I have an extensive videogame magazine collection .....unfortunatly i hate how much room it takes up .....and i am in the progress of scanning my magazines into electronic format

Debinding the magazine and running it thru my scanner .....with the cover up .....that scans the odd pages .....and i can use your program to rename and enumerate by 2


Problem is ....when i flip the magazine over to scan the EVEN pages the magazine is upside down .....with the last page first!

I need a reverse renamer with enumeration!

Basically it would do this.....

Ask User for what prefix

Nintendo Power Issue 160 -

Then it would calculate how many images were in the folder


Then it would start at

Nintendo Power Issue 160 - 0001.jpg and rename it to Nintendo Power Issue 160 - 0132.jpg

Then rename Nintendo Power Issue 160 - 0002.jpg to Nintendo Power Issue 160 - 0130.jpg

Enumerating backwards by 2 each time

I appriciate this ......and will definetly donate for this program .....NOTHING out there does this ......and i can use this feature :grinking:


Posted: 2006-03-13 09:08:24
by antp
If you do a reverse sort on the name in main list (by clicking on the "filename" column header), and put a step of 2, it will probably work the way you want.

Posted: 2006-03-13 09:21:48
by Phillyman
Donation should show up in your mailbox shortly

Thanks A Ton!

Keep up the fantastic work!

Posted: 2006-03-13 10:25:26
by antp
Thanks :)