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I can't load any information from internet!

Posted: 2006-01-02 22:24:50
by nidzesi
I have a movie Rush Hour and I want to download more informations about it from internet and I go to Get information/From script. I have a list of scripts available but when I click twice on any script I always get the same message "No movie found". I always use IMDB because I know that it is the best, but any script does not work.

Can you help me??

Posted: 2006-01-03 09:08:43
by antp
So for anything that you type all the scripts say that they do not find movies? :??: Maybe you have a Firewall or something similar that modify the structure of the pages? (e.g. by removing ads, filtering some contents, ...)
You have the latest version of AMC ?

It's OK!

Posted: 2006-01-03 10:57:53
by nidzesi
I solve the problem! I have just download last version of AMC and it works fine! Thanks for the answer!