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"Save As .XML" : last fields not saved

Posted: 2005-10-12 21:58:36
by acteo

When i save my catalog as an XML file, the last fields don't appear in the xml file : resolution, framerate, file sizes, Disc/Files (maybe there is more).

Posted: 2005-10-13 07:48:13
by antp
For all movies? I don't see what could cause that in your case :??:
When you reopen the XML file with AMC, all info except these few fields are there?

Posted: 2005-10-13 14:49:27
by acteo
i'm not at home at the moment but i made a test
it works fine, i can see fields in which i wrote something

i guess that when a field is empty, it is not saved in xml file.
At home those fields are i should be wrong... sorry

Actually i wanted to use the field 'resolution' to store the filepath of the movie and export the database to MediaPortal. Is it planed to add a field in AMC for this data ?

Posted: 2005-10-13 15:19:25
by antp
It is planned for a future version, but currently you can use the URL field for storing a file path.

xml export

Posted: 2006-01-22 13:37:14
by michel
interesting your comments ... cause could not find the xml export possibility !!!
am i stupid ?
found all other possibilities as sql - html - csv ... etc .. but no xml
can you help ?

xml ...

Posted: 2006-01-22 13:47:24
by michel
ok - sorry for the disturbance - think i found following your "aide" with the "save as"
thought initially that there was an automatic export in the export function.
am i right ?

Posted: 2006-01-22 21:47:31
by antp
Some XML-based templates are made for a use with HTML export: you use a XML file rather than HTML file, but it is filled in the same way.


Posted: 2006-01-23 18:33:49
by michel
can i save my collection in xml without pictures ? and how ?

Posted: 2006-01-23 18:40:27
by antp
When you save to XML it asks if you want to export pictures or not. If they are not stored in the catalog. Pictures are not stored in the XML file anyway, so if you only keep the XML file there is no picture.

ok thanks

Posted: 2006-01-24 19:11:11
by michel
ok - perfect - thanks a lot