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Time & Date

Posted: 2021-08-29 07:10:07
by pah96

I'm using AMC for more then 10 years and it is really great! I hope this will be going on for a long time.

Only 2 following small features for the future would be nice:

1) possibility to COPY/PASTE text in the search field with mouse
2) in the status line (or where ever) information about the current time (and date)


Re: Time & Date

Posted: 2021-08-31 08:25:01
by antp
Indeed the context menu for the search was already requested. As I don't really work on the program any more (except maintenance, to keep it running) there is little chance that I add that at some point, unfortunately. But maybe some day, who knows...
Copy/paste can still be done with Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V or Ctrl+Ins/Shift+Ins.
About the status, there is the current date & time in Windows taskbar, I don't see why putting it in the program :??:

Re: Time & Date

Posted: 2021-09-04 18:15:31
by pah96

Yes, the system context menue for the search bar would be really great!

ad "time&date": for those how are hiding the taskbar to use the AMC in fullscreen ;)
