what a great soft
Posted: 2005-04-23 00:37:02
I'm french (like the author I think ? bravo Antoine !!!
) but I will write in english. So, sorry for my writing.
First, big bravo to Antoine and his team for that great soft !
I'm using it to get info from web and I will make few suggestions :
- auto script : In the newest versions, we can, for certain sites only (Allociné but not DVDFR !
), choose to not confirm the title and to automatically choose from the results. This is great cause you can start the script on all your movies and go away. But it would be better if when there are errors (404, 403, socket error and others), it would pass it and continue with the next movie. By now, the script stop until you press the OK button on the error window. Why don't you just make a log file with which errors on which movies and let the script continue.
- When you want to cancel (cancel button), it seems that it don't stop the scripting but just the current task (getting info by POST for example) and jump to the next so you cannot stop the scripting action. The only way I found is to press cancel on the search result window (then it asks if you want to stop the script).
- Sometimes, when scripting, there is a bug : the actual movie is copying on all the following movies (erasing them).
That's all the small problems I found in front of all those great stuff !!!
Once again, bravo !!!
I'm french (like the author I think ? bravo Antoine !!!

First, big bravo to Antoine and his team for that great soft !
I'm using it to get info from web and I will make few suggestions :
- auto script : In the newest versions, we can, for certain sites only (Allociné but not DVDFR !

- When you want to cancel (cancel button), it seems that it don't stop the scripting but just the current task (getting info by POST for example) and jump to the next so you cannot stop the scripting action. The only way I found is to press cancel on the search result window (then it asks if you want to stop the script).
- Sometimes, when scripting, there is a bug : the actual movie is copying on all the following movies (erasing them).
That's all the small problems I found in front of all those great stuff !!!
Once again, bravo !!!