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how to get my picture information?

Posted: 2005-03-30 10:10:54
by icecubix
I have some films with picture and some films without. I want modify one script to get the picture only if I don't have it.

Do you know how can I see if I have the picture or not? (and it's size?).

I had seen the getField(fieldxxxxx) function, but don't exist the "fieldPicture".

Thanks in advance


Posted: 2005-03-30 11:39:08
by antp
It is not possible currently.
I plan to add that in a future version.

Posted: 2005-03-30 14:35:41
by icecubix
Ok, thanks, antp.

Maybe also you can do a static variable that maintains its value only between batch jobs, instead of doing it during all the execution of the program.

Congratulations by a brilliant program :grinking:. I'm a programmer and shortly I will make my own little contributions to the forum.

Posted: 2005-03-30 15:53:57
by antp
There is already possible to set "static" variables, but I do not really understand what you want to do with them :??:

is not important

Posted: 2005-03-30 21:19:01
by icecubix
Well, don't worry :p . I have lots of films bad cataloged (I didn't have ant movie catalog) and I want to take the maximum advantage of the batch jobs, that act in a different way every time according to my needs, but I can do it touching the script dinamically.

Thanks again ;)

Posted: 2005-03-31 07:42:35
by ScorEpioN
This week-end i had the same problem.

i would do a mass update but search fonction couldn't found empty field :(

so i have do an update to my script :

UPDATE FIELDS v22 du 31/03/2005 *EN,FR*
Coche les films si champs vide (Check Empty Field) : Fonction qui coche les films ayant le champs choisi vide (pratique avant de faire des MAJ massives).
Click here to find UPDATE FIELDS last version

For picture i can't :badidea: (fieldPicture exist (number 99) but doesn't work with getfield)

Posted: 2005-03-31 08:11:34
by antp
ScorEpioN wrote: i would do a mass update but search fonction couldn't found empty field
Leave the search value field empty and check the "whole field" option ;)

Posted: 2005-03-31 13:51:56
by ScorEpioN
oups i have not found this tip... but my script is good if you want to do search with multiple choice :

1°) you use script for all movie (no url for example)
2°) second use only on check movie (no label for example)
3°) ...

Finally you find movie wth no url and no label :D