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[REL] Subroutine: The.Mission.[DVD] to The Mission
Posted: 2005-03-07 09:10:47
by ABNormal
I'm trying to make a subroutine to put inside scripts that does this:
from a title like this:
changes dots into spaces and removes square brackets with all written inside, having a result like this:
Il Colore viola
Is anyone able to write the/a valid code?
Thank YOU all
Posted: 2005-03-07 09:55:30
by antp
As I said somewhere else, simply use the functions of StringUtils1:
Code: Select all
program NewScript;
s, s2: string;
s := StringReplace(GetField(fieldOriginalTitle), '.', ' ');
s2 := TextBefore(s, '[', '');
if s2 = '' then
s2 := s;
SetField(fieldOriginalTitle, s);
Posted: 2005-03-07 11:33:48
by ScorEpioN
you could use my script "Update Fields" v10 or next v12
Posted: 2005-03-07 12:02:40
by ABNormal
now i have studied this script.
now i'm changing the MovieName definition (into scripts i use) as:
Code: Select all
MovieName := StringReplace(GetField(fieldTranslatedTitle), '.', ' ');
if MovieName = '' then
MovieName := StringReplace(GetField(fieldOriginalTitle), '.', ' ');
While pos ('[', MovieName) > 0 Do begin
MovieName := TextBefore(MovieName, '[', '') + TextAfter(MovieName, ']');
at the beginning of each script, of course)
solving my little "problem"
i thank you for all your precious helps.